Kids Ministry Hub

Move your kids ministry further with Orange.

Innovative resources, community, curriculum, and training created for future thinking leaders like you.
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First Look
252 Kids + 252 Preteen

A curriculum for every week.

Spend your time doing what only you can do. Level up your leadership with a curriculum that combines child development and theology to create a comprehensive children’s ministry curriculum and strategy. 

First Look
252 Kids + 252 Preteen

A strategic plan for the entire year.

Explore the 2023 – 2024 Orange Curriculum Scope & Cycle for a comprehensive teaching roadmap designed with kids and families in mind for the year ahead. Discover the monthly big ideas, themes, virtues, and bottom lines for your ministry.

Build your comprehensive annual strategy.

With First Look and 252 Curriculum, go beyond just getting it done and discover a strategy with greater impact that allows you more time to focus on what matters most.